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Cruising ahead

PROJECTile's Erika Loch and Sarah Wagner are invited speakers at a key travel retail conference in Rome.

We're absolutely delighted that both Erika Loch and Sarah Wagner have been invited to share their respective knowledge and expertise with international delegates for a key forthcoming travel retail sector conference.

Each year, DFNI, the world's leading B2B title for the travel retail and duty-free sector, holds its annual two-day conference—and presents it's top annual industry awards—attended by global movers and shakers in the sector.

What's different about this year's event is that it is, surprisingly, the first time in the long history of the annual DFNI conference that it will be devoted specifically to travel retail in the booming cruise sector. The conference takes place from 9 to 11 June in Rome.

Sadly, if you were hoping to book a place to learn more about emerging trends and hot strategies for tax-free shopping on the open waves, you can't: it's been booked out for months. Sorry.

Nonetheless, good luck to Erika and Sarah for the forthcoming gig.


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