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PROJECTile presents ‘Meet the Artrepreneurs’

‘Meet the Artpreneurs’ a panel discussion, part of the official WAAW London 2024 programme, took place at art'otel Hoxton in June 2024, part of WAAW's opening day. The panel discussion explored the way that women artists’ strategies have changed as a result of a changing art world. Focussing on women artists who have also launched commercial brands, it explored these women’s personal transformations in navigating the world of commerce as well as their practice.

The art world has changed significantly in the last decade. Starting with the fallout from the Financial Crisis and a subsequent range of socio-economic and political shifts, the commercial art gallery system and changes to funded artists’ projects meant that many women artists, particularly in the emerging and mid-career categories, had to consider alternative means of income generation. For some, creating and building commercial brands provided an alternative while for others, their reasons for doing so were far more directly related to their established artistic practice.

Exploring the art of change. Or is that changing art? We heard from an exciting panel of women artists who have set up commercial brands in parallel to their practice as artists: Sarah Baker, Kati Treble and Kate Hawkins, moderated by entrepreneur and poet Erika Loch.

Given their artistic mindset, these women artrepreneurs have gravitated towards the luxury segment of international markets with an emphasis on high design and craft values, in this case, offering high-end wallpapers (CommonRoom), niche luxury fragrance (SARAH BAKER) or luxury yoga and wellness accessories (KATI KAIA London ) 

Detailed bios on each of these artrepreneurs and moderator Erika Loch can be viewed or downloaded here

The Event

‘Meet the Artrepreneurs’ took place in the auditorium of art’otel Hoxton on Saturday, 8 June 2024.The event was free to members of the public. The discussion was immediately followed by WAAW’s informal soiree sponsored by MarGin where attendees had an opportunity to speak and socialise with the wonderful panellists. 


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